May 16, 2018

Priscila’s Kitchen BBQ Pizza Stone Guide: Grill & Chill

If you are like me and consider yourself quite the grill master, you may have attempted pizza or flatbreads directly on the BBQ before. While some attempts were a success others were catastrophic fails and there is nothing worse than a gooey mess all over the grill. Well, thanks to the Grilling & Chilling BBQ Pizza Stone made specifically for your grill, backyard parties and BBQ pizza are officially a thing!!!

How does it work? I’m here to give you some great tips! Transform your BBQ into a mini pizza oven by using the Grilling & Chilling BBQ Pizza Stone, which is designed to absorb extreme heat (up to 1200°F)!

  1. You will need to preheat the stone. Do this by turning on your BBQ (the heat on high), make sure the grill is clean and then place the stone in the middle. Let the stone get hot...really hot!

  2.  After 10-15 min your stone should be to the ideal temperature and will be ready to receive the dough. You want to act quickly, so I like to have everything prepped and ready to be transferred. A pizza peel will make your life easier, or have everything ready to go on a wooden board right beside you.

    ** I like grilled veggies and tomatoes on my pizza, so I let them grill beside the stone as it was heating up. You want to minimize the heat loss of having your BBQ open for too long, so once you are ready to put it on... get it on swiftly and close the lid! ** 

  3. Don’t overcook it! A thin crust pizza will take about 2-3 min to cook, while a thicker crust might take closer to 5 min. The perfect crust is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside! If your crust is tough, the heat probably wasn’t high enough and you probably cooked it too long!

  4. How to handle the clean up: Don’t use soap to wash the stone. This might sound weird but the stone is very porous and will absorb any products you use to clean it. When heated, those products can be released into the food so it’s best to avoid doing this. It’s completely normal if the stone stains or changes colour with each use, but if any bits get stuck on it, wait until it’s cooled and then scrape it off with a spatula. Wash away any soot by hand with warm water and a sponge and let it air dry.


All that’s left now is to set the table and pour the drinks… Happy pizza grilling everyone!

Warning: don’t be surprised if your neighbours and friends stop in unexpectedly now that the best pizza in town is in your backyard!

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